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Moorings / Compound


Moorings is Keith Guy-Gibbens responsibility. He is assisted in this by Merv the creek, Dave Waters and a small band of stalwarts.

ASC provide the blocks and ground tackle for the moorings and you will notice an ongoing replacement programme with orange buoys becoming the standard.

The mooring blocks are manufactured in house and put into place, lifted or inspected using the block lifter which is the strange contraption stored in the Boat House. 

Although ASC provide the equipment, it remains the responsibility of the mooring holder to regularly inspect the tackle and ensure it is fit for purpose - it is likely to be a requirement of their insurance. 


Each year, on renewal, the mooring holder is required to certify that they have inspected their ground tackle

worn mooring chain.jpg

This is not what you want to see

Applying for a mooring

There are three different types of mooring -

Referred to as:- The North Bank, South Bank and Channel.


The prices for these per foot differ and there is usually a waiting list for bank moorings.

Channel moorings are more available but the maximum draught that is  possible in the creek is 3 ft - there is also a length restriction of 34 ft.


Speak with Keith and see what options exist  - you will also need to complete a Mooring application form which will be made avaiable once membership has been completed.






In the compound Barry Andrews is the guy to speak to.  

Spaces are used for trailer sailer parking, winter trolley/trailer parking, dinghies and boats that use the tractor to assist their launch and recovery.


Measurements are charged per foot in most cases and don't forget this includes the draw bar of the trailer.


Compound space holders are expected to maintain their area , keeping the grass cut.. Ladders should be padlocked to the trailer or other structure, but not vertically to the fence  where they may merely assist someone to gain access to the compound.


The compound.PNG
Applying for a place in the compound

Different craft attract different rates in the compound.


Initial conversations with Barry will indicate if there is a waiting list or not and whether he has a space suitable for the size and anticipated use of your boat.


You will also need to complete a Compound space application form which will become accessible on joining the club

- for temporary spaces speak to Barry.

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